Friday, January 2, 2015

Cigar Challenge #30before31

So one of my #30before31 challenges was to smoke a cigar. And what better time to do that than at 2am on NYE in 5 degree weather? 

I was able to get it started (yay). But keeping it lit was another story, especially in the subterranean weather with the wind wiping around us. 

After several puffs and two re-lighting attempts, I decided that it wasn't worth risking frost bite and left the cigar with a willing party. 

So I didn't smoke the whole thing, but I did at least half. So that counts in my book. And I didn't light anything on fire or burn anyone. So again, a win. 

Here are 3 things I learned from this experience: 
1. Cigars taste just as bad as cigarettes
2. And give you just as bad hangovers 
3. They apparently make women seem sexy (but probably not ones in a giant parka) 
4. I'm lucky to have friends who will rally behind me when I want to try something new (even if it means standing outside in 5 degree weather) 

I probably won't be smoking one again any time soon, but am glad that I gave it a try. 

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