Tuesday, January 27, 2015

#30before31 I'm Burning My Credit Cards

Okay, not really. But as of January 18, 2015, I could actually burn them. 

For the past three years, I've carried debt due to circumstantial situations. For a while, I pushed off focusing on paying it off because it wasn't only my debt and seemed way to daunting to try to tackle myself. 

But it bothered me because I've always been a saver and very good with money. And I work hard for that money both my full-time job and through freelance, but two years ago (without going into much detail) my situation changed. 

Out of principal, I didn't feel like it was my responsibility to be the one paying it off. But after months of excuses and adding it to a #30before31 list, I made up my mind to just get rid of it if it was bothering me. Then the money that I would get back from my ex could go toward other things besides the debt. It would me having to say no and picking up some extra freelance jobs, but I knew it would be worth it. 

So I finally did. And now I can finally can start saving and paying off my other debts. And it feels so good. So maybe I will burn those cards. Or more likely I'll just stick to burning toast and using my debit card. 

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