So if you haven't gotten it quite yet (from the posts or the title of this blog), my cooking skills are one component of my life that has some room for improvement. So I try to avoid events that require me to contribute food (especially in my professional life).
So when my work announced we were doing a Thanksgiving Potluck and everyone had to sign up to bring a side dish (alcohol doesn't count) to share at the potluck, I tried to think of an excuse for me to be "OOO" during that time.
As the potluck approached and it became apparent that I wasn't going to pull that off, I realized I had to sign up for something. And of course, by then, all the easy things were taken (crackers & cheese), salad, etc. So I signed up for a fruit or vegetable dish and figured I could decide it later.
And suddenly, I found myself idea-less and less than 24 hours before the potluck. As one does in emergency situations such as these, I pulled out my phone and immediately consulted Pinterest. Where I immediately found a slightly hilarious, slightly cute fruit arrangement in the shape of a turkey.
I could do that, I thought. I'll just get all the materials on the way to work and put it together right before the event. $23 later and loaded down with skewers, fruit and a platter I stumbled into the office, ready to assemble. [Side note, if you had seen me struggling down the street that morning you would have realized that the struggle is alive and well].
But despite my lack of planning, cooking skills and my nay-saying friends, it actually turned out okay. See for yourself. I bet you can't even guess which version is mine & which version is the Pinterest inspiration.