Sunday, November 30, 2014

Two Quotes to Start the Week

{Pretty much sums up my life over the past 1-2 years}

{And so I am doing this because I have chaos in me.} 
My #sundayscribbles.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Well Hello, Monday...

...whatever I did to piss you off, I'm sorry, please forgive me. 

What happened, you ask? 

Well let's just say if you had seen me on the corner of Huron & State you would have had a good chuckle. That's where I lost an umbrella (after it got caught in my hat), the curl in my hair, [almost] my phone and my dignity. 

The struggle is alive & well. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Throwback to Day 5: No M&M Challenge #30before31

This is an actual drawer in the kitchen at my work that I discovered on Day 5. Seriously. 

[Please note the 3 giant bags of Peanut M&M's and 2 other bags of Almond M&M's.]

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 2: NO M&M Challenge #30before31

Do Reece's Pieces count as M&M's? 

If not, I've survived Day 2. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 1: NO M&M Challenge #30before31

Well let's just be thankful that I didn't challenge myself to 1) stop complaining about the weather or, 2) stop drinking wine for a month. Because I would have already failed...  

Anyway, for my first challenge, I've decided to test myself to a month of NO M&M's. That's right, that includes any of the peanut, almond, peanut butter (need I go on?) varietal. 

You may laugh, but I don't think you know how hard of a challenge this will be for me. Especially if you consider my co-workers made about 6 jokes this evening alone regarding my habit of frequenting the candy drawer at work. [I mean who doesn't love the luxurious taste of milk chocolate and the satisfying crunch of almonds - all wrapped into one delightful bite?].

But I'm going to do it. And I've successfully made it through Day 1. Only 29 days to go. 

Unfortunately - much to my chagrin - I don't think this will actually help me lose 5 lbs. as I originally projected. You see, this cold weather here is Chicago is driving me to find refuge at local waterholes on the route home from the office. Where the thought of dropping a pretty penny for a glass of wine & eating fried pickles is ten times more appetizing than going back out into the winter tundra. 

Regardless, stay tuned for the next episode of this epic battle between MEM (these are my initials) and the M&M's. 


Now that I'm 30 (and single), I can't think of a better time to challenge myself to do something new. Or 30 new things. All to be completed before I turn 31 (#30before31). 

My stipulation for these 30 things is that they need to 1) challenge me, 2) put me out of comfort zone and 3) are overall positive in nature (ex. taking 30 shots in 24 hours would not be a good example of this).  

And - because of the nature of these challenges - I could really benefit from a successful challenge. Or crash and burn (literally or figuratively) from a not-so-successful one. But regardless, I hope to have fun, learn a lot from these challenges and get some good content to post about from these challenges. NOTE: I'll do my best to use pseudonyms if you are a part of the documentation if it might compromise your reputation. ;) 

I debated whether or not to document the list on this blog (because it could be very obvious what I am doing if people know) but decided to go for it. 

So here's officially the #30before31 list: 
1. Take someone "important" to lunch/happy hour/dinner and listen a lot (this makes me so nervous)
2. Publish a piece of content (book, poem, article)
3. Actually date someone for real - this one's going to be interesting to document & actually do if anyone knows my track record lately 
4. Go skiing or rock climbing - Denver
5. Apply for a job that would be "so cool" but is a "stretch" (shhh keep this one on the DL)
6. Go to an event where I know no one and leave with at least one contact
7. Get out of credit card debt by end of 2014 (if possible or if not by end of 2014, ASAP)
8. Run a 10k
9. Give someone a heart-felt surprise 
10. Start a business, or co-start a business, or help someone else start a business 
11. Travel to a place I haven't been - Seattle
12. Buy someone else's drink or lunch that I don't even know because it looks like they are having a hard day
13. Set someone up with someone else (be a matchmaker)
14. Unplug for 48 hours (note: I'll have to #laterblog for this one)
15. Create something (art or poem) and hang it in my kitchen or living room (main area) 
16. Get a tattoo (OMG I can't believe I'm actually putting this one down because I am so terrified of needles!)
17. Go to a wedding as someone else's guest (I'm a really good date, I promise!)
18. Write about a new idea or solution to a challenge/problem for 30 days. 
19. Write a love letter (and give it to the person) - yikes, I better work on #3
20. Enter a piece of art into an exhibit or a contest 
21. Join a yoga or workout class in Chicago 
22. Go on a brewery tour in Chicago 
23. Change my stock portfolio - either buy or sell
24. Read 5 books
25. Try something I've never eaten before 
26. Smoke a cigar (okay, I know this one isn't super positive, but I got to do it once)
27. Golf 18 holes (could be best ball) 
28. Go one month without eating M&M's - you might laugh now but you try to go that long in the Chicago office. 
29. Lose 5 lbs. (likely this will occur following the month without eating M&M's)
30. Do something impactful in Chicago.

Also I'm open to suggestions if you have better ideas. 

Monday, November 17, 2014


It's just too cold. Seriously, I signed up for zero degrees but not in November.

I am pretty sure the cold is freezing my brain cells. For instance, today I left the office all bundled up and still wanted to cry by the time I got home 20 mins later. Mostly because my hands were so cold. And I arrived home only to find hand warmers in my purse. Well damn.

Chicago, you'd better #getittogether if you want me to stay.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Thanksgiving Potluck [Two Words That Scare the Crap Out of Me]

So if you haven't gotten it quite yet (from the posts or the title of this blog), my cooking skills are one component of my life that has some room for improvement. So I try to avoid events that require me to contribute food (especially in my professional life).

So when my work announced we were doing a Thanksgiving Potluck and everyone had to sign up to bring a side dish (alcohol doesn't count) to share at the potluck, I tried to think of an excuse for me to be "OOO" during that time.

As the potluck approached and it became apparent that I wasn't going to pull that off, I realized I had to sign up for something. And of course, by then, all the easy things were taken (crackers & cheese), salad, etc. So I signed up for a fruit or vegetable dish and figured I could decide it later. 

And suddenly, I found myself idea-less and less than 24 hours before the potluck. As one does in emergency situations such as these, I pulled out my phone and immediately consulted Pinterest. Where I immediately found a slightly hilarious, slightly cute fruit arrangement in the shape of a turkey. 

I could do that, I thought. I'll just get all the materials on the way to work and put it together right before the event. $23 later and loaded down with skewers, fruit and a platter I stumbled into the office, ready to assemble. [Side note, if you had seen me struggling down the street that morning you would have realized that the struggle is alive and well].

But despite my lack of planning, cooking skills and my nay-saying friends, it actually turned out okay. See for yourself. I bet you can't even guess which version is mine & which version is the Pinterest inspiration. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Royally Proud

It's a little delayed (and cliche), I know, but I had to post about how proud I am of the Royals and the city. I couldn't have asked for a better October. And I am so lucky that I was able to hitch a ride back and experience it. The K, the plaza, P&L, downtown, and being back with all my friends... it was an experience I'll never forget. 

I've gone back and forth quite a bit over the past few months even though I now live in Chicago. And now that the post-season is over, I'm excited to focus on discovering Chicago. Stay tuned for more Chicago shenanigans and restaurants reviews.